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Vector or Raster graphics — Gideros Forum

Vector or Raster graphics

Unknown Member
edited February 2013 in General questions
I would like ask about using graphics in my game. I'm about to start developing a new game with Gideros. bit confused about graphics. Is vector art work better or raster? Would it be worth creating game assets in Adobe Illustrator or should I just go for Photoshop.


  • BJGBJG Member
    edited February 2013 Accepted Answer
    Well, there's raster and vector tools for creating your artwork (Photoshop and Illustrator), then there's raster and vector classes for representing it in Gideros (Bitmap and Shape). But you can't convert vector artwork to shape objects automatically; you'd have to code those within Gideros.

    There are a couple of 3rd-party tools called "SVG Level Builder" and "Gideros Illustrator" which seem to let you work with vector drawing packages, though I haven't tried them out.


    The choice of whether to represent a particular game element as a Bitmap or a Shape depends on the look and the mechanics that you need.
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