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Options for accessing desktop (SQL) database — Gideros Forum

Options for accessing desktop (SQL) database

Unknown Member
edited February 2013 in General questions
What are my options for accessing desktop (Sybase/SQLServer) databases? I would like to develop an application that will connect to the company databases and pull information about operations (and present it to the users).



  • My idea is :
    1-Make some web-service (php or asp) for the operations that you want to do like read, insert, delete .
    Web service can take values by parameters.
    2-Use urlloader class to retrieve the data again from web-service.

  • Yes basically what @talis suggested you can create a web-service or API to do that.

    Other option if you have some internal application that supports socket connection, you can use LuaSocket to connect to it and retrieve information that way.

    Currently IOS version support sqlite database and although it can be used to store information, I think it can not connect to any external db servers.
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