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Resuming between scenes — Gideros Forum

Resuming between scenes

SimplesAppsSimplesApps Member
edited April 2013 in Game & application design
Hi all,

I was wondering is there a way to implement a game scene can be stopped and then can return to the same state after all (that the scene can resume), with SceneManager. For example, in a game level screen (scene) the user presses an options button and then the game goes to another different scene; after the user change some setting (or not) then he selects to continue the game and he could continue the game in the same point he left (the scene for the level screen with their event listeners, etc. as were left). As SceneManager does everytime you change from one scene to another, the new scene is created from scratch (the events are created again, etc.).

I guess one approach is to save and manage globally the different scene objects but I want to know if there is an implemented class or useful function (or code snippet) to do this.



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