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I cannot submit the game to the Apple App Store due to the armv6 problem — Gideros Forum

I cannot submit the game to the Apple App Store due to the armv6 problem

burakkilicburakkilic Member
edited May 2013 in General questions

I can successfully deploy my game to my iPad or iPhone. Now I want to send the game to the App Store. But I am getting
"application executable is missing a required architecture. At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv6" as you see in the attachment.


I searched it in Google. People says add armv6 and armv7 to the architectures but they are already exist there.


What can I do?
Screen Shot 2013-05-18 at 8.42.46 AM.png
579 x 74 - 18K
Screen Shot 2013-05-18 at 8.50.36 AM.png
690 x 161 - 21K


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