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Crashing on a Real Device — Gideros Forum

Crashing on a Real Device

incipientincipient Member
edited July 2013 in General questions
Hi All!

I have done up a little something and tested it fully on the emulator on the computer, and I've tested it on a emulator installed on the device (giderosplayer.apk thing).

I have just come to testing it on a real device, or the android emulator itself. All of them crash! My physical device is running android 2.3.5 and i have tested it on a virtual 4.1.2 and 2.3.3.

I'm not too sure how to "debug" this situation...anyone have any idea?

The only error i get is when i try to run the app: "the application myapp (process com.yourdomain.yourapp) has stopped unexpectedly. please try again".

This time really stuck! Any ideas would be fantastic :)

Thanks for your help,


  • most of the time it is case sensitive error means you had used image.png as "Image.png"
    for more details you should have to post your log from eclipse over here usually error comes in red color text

  • Knowledgebase damn :ar!


  • incipientincipient Member
    edited July 2013
    Firstly, I would like to say you're all fantastic, and your responses are so quick!

    I'll check out the caps thing. When I exported my app, it added ".jet" to the end of my ".txt" and ".ttf" files...do I need to reference "textfile.txt.jet" or "textfile.txt"?

    Also, I assume eclipse packs all the resources into the apk file? If my file references using |R| etc work on the emulator, they'll be ok for the real device?

    Edit: My caps seem ok - using all lower case except one file, which i only reference 3 times.
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @incipient yes referencing all that Gideros will do by istelf.
    Hmm by the log it seems that Gideros library was not copied over to the project. Did you do the full export (with export assets only UNchecked)?
    Can you find both libgideros.so in your libs/armeabi folders and gideros.jar in your project?
  • incipientincipient Member
    edited July 2013
    mmm, no libgideros.so, only libggooglebilling.so

    I have tried deleting the folder and re-exporting it however it doesn't seem to appear.

    edit: i do have gideros.jar in the root folder

    more edit: libgideros.so does appear in the Gideros program folder
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    It's really interesting why it did not copy, it should have.
    But you can copy them manually from Gideros installation folder and then relaunch the project
  • incipientincipient Member
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the tip!

    Still doesn't work however - looking through the logs, it says

    07-23 18:14:43.329: D/dalvikvm(343): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.yourdomain.yourapp/lib/libgideros.so 0x40515130
    07-23 18:14:43.509: D/dalvikvm(343): Added shared lib /data/data/com.yourdomain.yourapp/lib/libgideros.so 0x40515130
    07-23 18:14:43.509: D/dalvikvm(343): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.yourdomain.yourapp/lib/libgideros.so 0x40515130, skipping init

    No JNI_OnLoad?

    edit: I kept the libgideros.so in the "right" folder - armeabi/armeabi-v7a
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    @incipient No JNI_OnLoad should be just a warning and without causing any crash.
    What concerns me the most, is that needed files are not copied, and there maybe be missing something more.

    Can you make sure, you run Gideros Studio with administrator privileges?
    Just to make sure, that you both, have privilege to copy file from Gideros installation, and paste it so the destination folder.

    Also maybe deleting/reinstalling new Gideros Studio might help, again launching installer with admin privileges.

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  • incipientincipient Member
    edited July 2013
    You, my friend ar2rsawseen, are a GENIUS!

    I suspect what was wrong was that i never "installed" gideros properly. My first windows crashed, and i was running it as a copy and paste. A new install of 2013.6.1 works like a charm =)

    Thank you for the help!!

    edit: not sure how you know so much ar2, but you know a lot!!

    Likes: ar2rsawseen

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