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@Gideros Mobile, what kind of blog backend/service to you use? — Gideros Forum

@Gideros Mobile, what kind of blog backend/service to you use?

amaximovamaximov Member
edited July 2013 in General questions
I'm in the middle of game development and want to try marketing my game by releasing weekly development previews of it but for that I need a blog. I have some ok css/html skills that I used to make my own site which can be found here:


Although there technically is a "blog" page, it really is barely more than hard-coded html with a tiny bit of php. I was looking for a solution and thought about using blogger for content management, and using blogger 3.0 API to pull the blog content onto my actual site. Seems rather strange though.

I also looked into Wordpress which I have played with before, and the only problem I see with it is that it might take some extensive effort making a Wordpress template for the blog page to look like the rest of my site.

I see that the Gideros Mobile site has a different design from the rest of the site, (which looks like it's made with Foundation or Bootstrap? :) ), so I was wondering if anyone had suggestions regarding integrating a full-fledged blog into an existing site?


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