Checking with gideros player for the devices below. Works great on the nexus, lags a lot on every other device.
Static Tileset: 1
Moving Objects: 19
Nexus 7: 60
Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman: 40
Samsung Galaxy Ace: 20
Memory Usage:
Nexus 7: 563
Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman: 566
Samsung Galaxy Ace: 565
Is this a problem because of the number of active moving objects at a given time or something else?
I can recommend removing armv6 support by removing libs\armeabi folder before publishing your game.
AnTuTu on Galaxy S II:
Total score: 10515
CPU integer: 965
CPU float-point: 722
AnTuTu on Nexus 7:
Total score: 13284
CPU integer: 1960
CPU float-point: 1291
CPU integer: 361
CPU float-point: 206