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require "box2d" b2.setScale(30) -- this table holds the dynamic bodies and their sprites local actors = {} -- create world local world =, 9.8) -- create ground body local ground = world:createBody({}) -- create an edge shape, and attach it to the ground body as a fixture local shape =, 350, 320, 350) --ground:createFixture({shape = shape, density = 0}) -- this box shape will be used while creating the chain elements local shape = shape:setAsBox(5, 1) -- and our fixture definition local fixtureDef = {shape = shape, density = 20, friction = 0.2} -- start to create the bridge local prevBody = ground local bodiesArr = {} for i=1,30 do local bodyDef = {type = b2.DYNAMIC_BODY, position = {x = 164 + i * 8, y = 150}} local body = world:createBody(bodyDef) body:createFixture(fixtureDef) table.insert(bodiesArr,body) local jointDef = b2.createRevoluteJointDef(prevBody, body, 160 + i * 8, 150) jointDef.collideConnected = false world:createJoint(jointDef) prevBody = body end --]] --step the world and then update the position and rotation of sprites local myRopeShape = myRopeShape:beginPath() myRopeShape:setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, 0xff0000) myRopeShape:setLineStyle(2,0xff0000,1) stage:addChild(myRopeShape) local function onEnterFrame() world:step(1/60, 8, 3) myRopeShape:clear() myRopeShape:setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, 0xff0000) myRopeShape:setLineStyle(2,0xff0000,1) myRopeShape:moveTo(bodiesArr[1]:getPosition()) for i=2,#bodiesArr do myRopeShape:lineTo(bodiesArr[i]:getPosition()) --print(bodiesArr[i]:getPosition()) end for i=#bodiesArr,2,-1 do myRopeShape:lineTo(bodiesArr[i]:getPosition()) --print(bodiesArr[i]:getPosition()) end myRopeShape:endPath() myRopeShape:closePath() --[[ for body,sprite in pairs(actors) do sprite:setPosition(body:getPosition()) sprite:setRotation(body:getAngle() * 180 / math.pi) end ]] end stage:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame) local debugDraw = world:setDebugDraw(debugDraw) --stage:addChild(debugDraw) |