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A few development questions — Gideros Forum

A few development questions

VenorcisVenorcis Member
edited October 2013 in General questions

I have a few issues/questions I encountered during app development:
- I need a chat-like function, and thus proper user-input elements. Doing this through a pop-up, like we currently do for log-in, is not an option there in my opinion. I have seen the Native UI plug-in (which is Android-only right?) and the Hot Wax plug-in (iOs only). However, how would I go about supporting both Android and iOs? I can understand that those two might need different code at the moment, but how can I even detect which platform the app is being run on?
- Is there any event(handler) for when a user rotates his screen so I can re-render the view?

Thanks for replying,


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