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Can't find app files on Android — Gideros Forum

Can't find app files on Android

krl3000krl3000 Member
edited October 2013 in General questions
Where are the application and document locations of applications created in Gideros when installed on Android? I can find the files when I test using the Gideros player app for android in /sdcard/gideros, but when I install an app I can't find the files anywhere. I tried searching the from / in a file manager for a resource file that gets copied to |D| the first time the app is started as well as a settings file I write out and the searches came up empty. The game is running and I can see changes to the database and settings when I quit and restart the game so they must be writing somewhere, I'm just not sure where!

I feel stupid asking this question, but it's just so bizarre that they don't show up.


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