Recently posted article with 10 code snippets to get you started with Gideros actually had a hard time deciding what would have more priority of showing, if you would have to choose top 10 small snippets.
So what would you have guys suggested, which functionality should have been better displayed, or everything seems to be in place?
I think everything is there...
For me, still, the single most difficult thing that stopped/slowed me was getting screen sizes/image objects across devices so the game worked across all/more devices.
Turn it into a dozen easy steps and add a couple more.
Add some physics, and screen sizing issues!
(1) If you want to target people who already have Gideros installed, it's great.
(2) If you want people to consider trying Gideros, then it's a bit missing its target : I would have included a "Why you should consider Gideros" section, talking about a limited list of 3 main selling points (mmm... cross platform, on device testing, plugins).
There are so many solutions out there, just looking at the headline most of the visitors who don't know Gideros yet think "I don't know it, I don't want to read it. Why should I consider it?"
If we are talking about the (2) case, I would have written the headline "This is exactly why you should consider Gideros" right under the opening paragraph.
Catch their attention and address their main concern.
This is exactly why you should consider Gideros
(differentiation point with the main competitors. Position the service/product strongly "We are different because... and this is why we think you should care and benefit from it")While Company A and B are doing a great job with their product, we proud ourselves in with the following
Great games are made with Gideros
A few screenshots of the best looking games and those who made the headlinesHow to get started this weekend, in 10 easy steps
(lower the barriers to entry, smallest commitment. in the worst case the user loses one weekend and no more)Then you can talk about the strong support, docs, forums)
I know it's tempting to dive right into the code, but pre selling your product/service/content is important so you want to hook them as soon as possible by addressing their main concerns.
Then also maybe there are any specific sites you guys can recommend to target.
In my plans I'm thinking besides Gamasutra to post also on
any others you could recommend guest blogging?
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
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