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Scene Manager Transition — Gideros Forum

Scene Manager Transition

NinjadoodleNinjadoodle Member
edited December 2013 in General questions
Hi Guys

I have this code setup for using the scene manager …

sceneManager = SceneManager.new({
["menu"] = menu,
["level"] = level

sceneManager:changeScene("menu", 1, SceneManager.fade, easing.outBack)

The problem I'm having the "changeScene" to the menu screen shows no transition.

The transitions show fine between the menu and level screens, but the initial transition from the main.lua file is just a jump.

Any idea on what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    Hello @Ninjadoodle
    after looking at the scenemanager code
    all transitions are created as for 2 scenes, transitioning from one to another.
    In case of the first scene, it is simply created and returned, without transition.

    Although some transitions might be possible for single scene, like fading in your case, I think, that for better constructed and reusable code (always transitioning with 2 scenes) this specific situation was not handled.

    So unfortunately without modifications for scenemanager, most probably you could not achieve what you want.

    Another thing you could do is to self alpha to 0 in your main scene init and tween it to alpha 1 yourself ;)
  • Hi @ar2rsawseen

    Thank you for the answer and no problem. I had a feeling this was the case.

    It's not really a big issue and I've already thought of some workarounds :)
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