Is it possible to combine different publicities with Ads Interface?
What is the best combination?
Charboost with admob?
Heyzap with admob?
Heyzap with amazon?
Is it possible to combine different publicities with Ads Interface + Leaderboard + Achievements ?
What is the best combination?
Heyzap with Admob?
GoogleGameCenter with Admob(is it possible?)?
Charboost with Admob with GoogleGameCenter?
Tell me according to your experience for Android and IOS.
What is the best combination? Charboost with admob, heyzap with admob?
------> both combination would be kool
What combinations are you guys using that seems to be working the best?
I was using Admob with amazon fallback for now, but also might try other combinations
and don't you think it would be great to have a fallback from admob banner in case it does not provide a fill?
and i have 99.32% fillrate from admob banner ad so no need for fallback
Admob->Millenial Media->Inmobi
Banner: admob.
Fullscreen: random between chartboost and heyzap.
You know, when chartboost/heyzap run a campaign, mostly it will always show one or two game. What if player doesn't like that game or has it already? => Set a random of them could show another game title and increase your chance to get user attention/click.
Likes: hgvyas123
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