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Gideros - What are the news? — Gideros Forum

Gideros - What are the news?

MellsMells Guru
edited April 2014 in General questions
Hi all,

for some reasons I'm away from app dev and it seems I won't be coming back soon.
However I am interested in what's happening for Gideros. Long story short, that's because I care.

Can I ask a few questions?

[1] Is there a reason why the top featured post is about the april 1st plugins? I didn't see it at the beginning of the month and found it... strange. Now that I've read the discussion I understand the joke, but wondering if it's still relevant. What do you think?
This also looks strange on the blog because no update is made to say "obviously this was a joke!".

[2] For a new user, it feels strange that the last comments on the "New version: Gideros 2014.01" discussion did not get answers (almost 3 weeks ago). I know everyone has been busy, I just wanted to say that it gives the impression no one is listening or caring (while I know it's not true, as @ar2rsawseen is always doing his best and has posted an update to the blog)

[3] Other than technical progress seen on the blog (which is amazing btw), any business related news for Gideros? I know the team came back a month ago and has been probably hard at work since then. I personally would love to know more about the future of Gideros. I know I know, I always come back with those questions. But I'm always wondering how healthy (see Monkey and there by @MikeHart) the business side is (not worried for the technical side at all), and wishing we would see some solid announcement (investment, partnership, anything), that would reassure us that Gideros is backed up and on track for the next years.

@atilim, @deniz, @ar2rsawseen, what are the amazing things you can share with us?
Such a great product must have attracted the eyes of partners, I have no doubt about it.

take care!

ps : Did I get some sort of superpower while I was away? Sink, Close, Delete discussion..etc...
Should I understand that I actually got rewarded for *not* posting long messages for a few months? Is that a message?
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