so i need to store rather big data sets and saving to json generates huge files, i need to store numbers of type 1166.53, or multiplying by 100, integers with at most 6 digits. for now in a json output they take up in average 7 letters, like:"1166.53," whereas they are int-s or doubleint-s at most, so they could take up 1 or at most 2 letter space, is there any supported format that saves data to some more efficient format?
Unfortunately better storing efficiency increases access time
In your case, if there are only numbers, you can probably simply save them in a comma separated list in a file, without any additional markup.
and then split it back to table of numbers
Splitting/Joining strings:
i also searched for possible solutions and i've found something called luabins, would that be a good solution, what do you think?
and a usage (and combo with base64):
i wonder how much space could i save with using luabins instead of json.
of course we need some bindings, which i still never did, and so i contemplate much longer before trying to make this work with gideros.
also, while access time is important, sometimes i load such a big file, that i get 'out of memory' errors from lua, so i think space is more of an issue (or at the end i import the same table so i will get the error anyway?).
also smaller file may mean faster access time as hdd and memory are slower than cpu?
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game