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Popup Error — Gideros Forum

Popup Error

edited May 2014 in General questions
Hi. I'm looking at Gideros. It looks to be very well designed (compared to Corona) as an API.

I have a couple of daft problems. First there is an enormously annoying popup that appears when you have an error, which does not even have the focus so you can make it go away. So you have to pick up the mouse to get rid of the thing. Half the time it displays the same error as studio (I presume it's an error from the player ?) - is there a way of getting rid of this thing ?

Secondly, the OSX port is broken. Command and plus does not work, partly because there are MacOSX keyboards that do not have a stand alone + key, I think. Most obviously, you cannot switch editor tabs using Cmd + TAB because this is the application context switch. I can disable it, but it seems silly to do this for one app.

The second port can be fixed using Sublime Text, the plugin seems excellent - but it still has the same annoying popup alert box error problem, which destroys the superb rapid turnaround of the system.


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