I had made a sample for the other Framework that demonstrated this effect, I just ported it over for Gideros and ... here's the video
If you have a look at the other video, you shall see that I had to slow down the code in the Gideros Sample to actually see/capture something, it is that fast and responsive.To compare, you can see the video of the same on CSDK here,
http://iphone.oz-apps.com/elasticity-example-in-coronasdkand the video above on Gideros, the speed_scale on csdk was 0.5 and on this example 0.1 and it is still faster, amazing really...
Btw, is there any plan to open the codes? Because I'm really interested in those benchmarking examples.
Likes: MikeHart, GregBUG
Atilim, if you do want to benchmark, I could arrange to have the code across to you to test, I'll be honest with the community, I like to help and I do, but then I have bills to pay as well, so this will be available as a widget and for those that need to use it are most welcome to buy it (when available - soon).
Likes: gorkem
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
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