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Trying to debug on device with plugins — Gideros Forum

Trying to debug on device with plugins

PaulHPaulH Member
edited May 2014 in General questions
Hey, folks. I could really use some guidance on this.

The short: I can't get Gideros Studio to run my app on an Android device using a custom Gideros player with the Google Licensing and IAB plugins, and now my project without using the plugins crashes even the standard player on the device. The project runs in the Windows player, and other projects run fine on the Android player and the Windows player.

The long:

I'm close to releasing a new port of an existing Windows game. It has a huge amount of content, and while it's less than a quarter of the size of the Windows version it still exceeds 50 MB, requiring an expansion file to deploy to the Play Store. I removed some of the folders from the exported Android project and made an uncompressed zip file with those to create the expansion file.

I added the Google Licensing plugin to the exported project to handle downloading the expansion file from the Play store, and the in-app billing plugin as this game will need it. Testing with this requires running on an Android device.

Testing with plugins requires making a custom player. As instructed at http://docs.giderosmobile.com/deployment.html I removed the inner assets folder from a copy of the exported project to create a player for Android with the licensing and in-app billing plugins. I built the custom player with Eclipse and it starts and runs as expected, showing the IP. With the player IP configured in Gideros Studio the blue "start" button is activated. Clicking it gets no response from Gideros Studio, at least nothing shows up in the output window, but after several seconds the custom player on the device crashes and the "start" button in the studio is grayed out.

LogCat in Eclipse at the time of the crash shows:
05-22 08:52:44.674: D/Gideros_Java(11267): player mode
05-22 08:52:44.674: D/Gideros_Java(11267): externalDir: /mnt/sdcard
05-22 08:52:44.684: D/Gideros_Java(11267): internalDir: /data/data/com.pishtech.ffs/files
05-22 08:52:44.684: D/Gideros_Java(11267): cacheDir: /data/data/com.pishtech.ffs/cache
05-22 08:52:44.784: D/libEGL(11267): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so
05-22 08:52:44.784: D/libEGL(11267): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so
05-22 08:52:44.824: D/libEGL(11267): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so
05-22 08:52:44.854: D/AudioTrack-Java(11267): [ android.media.AudioTrack ] in audioParamCheck streamtype is (3)
05-22 08:52:44.964: D/CLIPBOARD(11267): Hide Clipboard dialog at Starting input: finished by someone else... !
05-22 08:52:48.594: A/libc(11267): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1)
05-22 08:53:00.144: W/AudioTrack(11267): obtainBuffer() track 0x1f43c78 disabled, restarting

Now I've just tried disabling all the use of plugins in the app and running using the standard player app on the device. It does the same. Clicking "Start" will save any open files, but there's nothing in the output window, not even "something.lua is uploading", and after a few seconds the player app crashes. The app still plays fine on the Windows Gideros Player.

I can switch to a different Gideros project, one for a released game, and the player works fine on the device, so it seems there's something about the new project that kills the player before any of the lua code is executed.

Any ideas?



  • PaulHPaulH Member
    Update: Removing the project folder from the device at sdcard/gideros/(project) clears up the issue with the player crashing. Hopefully that will allow me to test with the plugins now.
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