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Reading from Android expansion files — Gideros Forum

Reading from Android expansion files

PaulHPaulH Member
edited May 2014 in General questions
My earlier question about using the Google Licensing plugin to download expansion files has been resolved (I REALLY appreciate the input on that!) but I'm still unable to access the contents of the expansion files from a Gideros app. Every attempt to access a file within the expansion file returns a nil handle and a "no such file or directory" error. The only time I thought I'd seen it work I had mistakenly left the file in question in the APK, so it wasn't read from the expansion file.

I've followed the instructions from http://giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/index.php/APK_Expansion_Files carefully and repeatedly with several projects. To build the uncompressed zip I've used WinRar (which seems to be the method implied by the instructions based on the wording), but I've also tried 7 Zip and the jobb.bat script. I've used jobb -dump to verify the contents of the obb files. At this point I'm fairly confident my problem isn't in how the expansion files are built.

I've manually renamed the resulting obb file and installed it on the Android device, and also let the Play Store name and install it, and also let the Google Licensing plugin install it, so I'm pretty confident the problem isn't with the installation or naming of the expansion file.

I've tested on the device using a custom player (so it has the package name to match the expansion file), from Eclipse in both debug and run mode, and after installing with an exported and signed Android apk. I've tested without and without a WiFi connection, with an without the device connected to the PC, etc. I'm fairly confident the state of the device and the state of the app being tested aren't to blame.

Has anyone been successful reading expansion files from a Gideros app? Is there some step or requirement missing from the instructions?

I know the Google Licensing plugin is needed for the app to download the expansion file from the Play Store, but is any plugin needed to read from it?

Any other possible explanations? I've been stuck on this for several days with no progress, so I find myself considering removing 70% of the content from my game just to be able to release it.

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