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Edit the sources of Gideros Studio — Gideros Forum

Edit the sources of Gideros Studio

jeromegsqjeromegsq Member
edited June 2015 in General questions

Everyday I use Gideros Studio and now it is open source.
I wanted to know how to edit the code, with which IDE and how to compile the source to an .exe or something else.
I have some basics in C, Java and Lua so I think this is possible for me to look at this.


I have download this but I don't know what I have to do :/

Thank you everybody ! :)


  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    Hi @jeromegsq,

    There are several scripts/batch files in scripts folder that take care of the compilation.
    As prerequisites, you will need:
    - Qt 5.4 (http://www.qt.io/)
    - QScintilla to compile the studio (http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/qscintilla/download)
    - Android-ndk, Android-sdk, Java and Ant to compile android packages
    - Xcode and Xcode command line tools to compile iOS and Mac versions

    You may need to change hardcoded paths in .bat/.sh files to suit your configuration.

    Alternatively, I am trying to manage most of the compile process using a single Makefile.
    You will need to change a few paths at the top of scripts/Makefile.gid (I will split those to a Makefile.def in next version).
    Then a full windows/android build can be initiated with a single command run in gideros root directory:
    [path_to_qt_tools_bin]/mingw32-make -f scripts/Makefile.gid
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  • jeromegsqjeromegsq Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello @hgy29,

    Thank you for your quick answer.

    First, I have installed Qt 5.4, dowloaded QScintilla and I already have the Android-SDK and Java. I just want to edit the Gideros Studio IDE then I think I don't need Android-NDK, Ant, Xcode, and Xcode command line tools.

    According to the .bat/.sh I work on windows, so I think I just have to edit the .bat.
    The .bat files are only in the /scripts folder ?

    There is "C:\Qt\Qt5.3.2\5.3\mingw482_32\bin\qtenv2.bat" and I have "C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\qtenv2.bat" so I think I just have to edit all the files ?

    I don't understand :
    Alternatively, I am trying to manage most of the compile process using a single Makefile.
    You will need to change a few paths at the top of scripts/Makefile.gid (I will split those to a Makefile.def in next version).
    What is a Makefile.gid, I know what is a Makefile and make on Linux.

    I try to compile an exemple project of QScintilla (example-Qt4Qt5/application.pro) :
    cd C:\Users\Jerome\Desktop\QScintilla-gpl-2.9\example-Qt4Qt5
    qmake application.pro
    But it show me an error that I don't understand. (attached file)

    Also I try to work with Qt Creator, build an run some exemple project and it works.

    Thank you
    676 x 575 - 41K
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Right, you won't need anything beside Qt and QScintilla if you just intend to build the windows tools (studio, player, fontcreator, etc).

    The building process comes in two flavors: the .bat (on windows) or .sh (on mac) files. There are many of them taking care of building some parts of the system. You will probably have to change the toolchain path in each of them. I believe this is a pain too, but it is the way it was done at first, and still the way official releases are built ATM.

    The second flavor I started to write is through a Makefile. The fact it is called Makefile.gid shoudn't stop you: it is really a regular Makefile, and it can be invoked with mingw32-make tool shipped with QT. Just specify the makefile name with -f switch.

    Gideros just needs qscintilla to be installed. Just do (provided your Qt tools are in the path):
    cd C:\Users\Jerome\Desktop\QScintilla-gpl-2.9\Qt4Qt5
    qmake qscintilla.pro
    mingw32-make install
    And you should be done for the scintilla part.
  • Ok i ran mingw32-make install and lot of line show up.
    I think scintilla is installated.

    Now, I rename the Qt folder to : "C:\Qt\Qt5.3.2\5.3\mingw482_32\bin" in my hardrive. I think this is quicker.

    What do I have to do now ? I just want to build once the gideros sources folder to try if it work.

    I tryed :
    mingw32-make -f scripts/Makefile.gid

    but I think it doesn't work well. Maybe my path isn't correctly set ?
    682 x 348 - 48K
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Hmm, try changing line 31 of Makefile.gid so that it call ming32-make instead of plain make in target 'all'

    This Makefile is still WIP (I used it on two machines succesfully though) so there may be a few tweaking to do to suit each config.
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