Hey guys, i am new to Chartboost and I got the SDK integrated in my game. The dashboard shows impression, clicks, bootups, all installs,... However, it shows 0 installs. I tried to click on the ads and installed, launched the promoted games, but it has been 2 days and still 0 installs. I tried to contact them, and they tried to integrate the SDK to a sample project, hours later I saw on the dashboard there were 2 installs. They are from Chartboost, but then i tried to install the promoted games on another device. Still 0 installs, but clicks, impressions, bootups work just fine. For rewarded video, it only gave me several cents for watching them, but didnt give me any installs. I have never downloaded these promoted games before as i dont play mobile games much. I know its fraud that i installed the promoted games on my own app, but its just for testing purposes and chartboost ok with that too, so please dont give me answers like I will get banned or anything like that. Could you please help me? Is there anything wrong w the integration?. THank you
Other than that, you should enable logging in Chartboost SDK, and see what data gets sent to server and if there anything sent when you click or install app.