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Json and unicode — Gideros Forum

Json and unicode

piepie Member
edited July 2019 in General questions

My mistake! I was picking up the wrong file... :o
Converting json unicode files to utf8 (without BOM) works!


Hi, I am having some troubles with an app I am prototyping:
I am loading a json file - charset unicode if I ask firefox which one it is - but I am unable to show "special characters" like
è é ò ì
If I change the charset of the json file to utf8 with notepad++ json plugin is unable to import the json file,
if I don't change charset and I leave it "Unicode" these characters doesn't appear in textfield (and the TTFFont contains them).

I know I could use csv files, but I would need to keep the json to avoid having hundreds of csv files (I have lists of words containing these characters).

Do you have any suggestion to workaround this?
Thank you

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