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Gideros lua custom library — Gideros Forum

Gideros lua custom library

tetnictetnic Member
edited October 2019 in General questions
Hi all,

I'm trying to insulate some common LUA code into a library.

Apart creating a plugin, I think there is no such concept in Gideros, so my attempt was
create a new Git repo for the common code and then link the proper folder inside the final projects in Gideros Studio.

The result is when running whatever project in the console I can see the following:
Uploading finished.
cannot read : Is a directory
But I cannot understand what it is unable to read. Projects doesn't run anymore on any device.

Schermata 2019-10-30 alle 18.52.54.png
278 x 622 - 26K


  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    I use the same technique, and it works great except that I must close the studio after I add a lib that way to get rid of the error you see. Something not refreshed correctly upon folder linking I reckon
  • Thanks a lot. It worked for me too. :smile:
  • tetnictetnic Member
    edited October 2019
    Ok now restarting the studio I don't see the error, but I have noticed that it loses some settings about the code dependencies. So I need to set them again at each start.
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