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Filling a shape with a texture — Gideros Forum

Filling a shape with a texture

DudDud Member
edited April 2012 in General questions

I had a quick question about using a texture to fill a shape. My texture is 256x256 pixels but as you can see from the attached picture it doesn't seem to be filling my shape properly. It seems like its not icing the image which is what I expected it to do. I'm just wondering if my matrix values are wrong as its not entirely clear to me what they should be having looked at the Gideros examples.

local texture = Texture.new("Images/Landfill_Rock.jpg")
local matrix = Matrix.new(1, 0, 0, 1, 256, 256)
shape:setFillStyle(Shape.TEXTURE, texture, matrix)

Can somebody tell me whats wrong?
Many thanks
Screen Shot 2012-04-12 at 15.16.46.png
473 x 314 - 165K


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