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Texturepacker questions — Gideros Forum

Texturepacker questions

bowerandybowerandy Guru
edited April 2012 in General questions

I have a few questions about the Gideros texture packer. They relate to the attached PNG file, MakeBall00001.png. This ball is placed somewhere in the middle of a stage of transparent pixels (it is part of the output from an animation program). The size of the transparent sprite is 2048x1536 (iPad 3 resolution). However, my aim is to produce a texture atlas where the texture retrieved is as if there were no extra border around the ball image at all.

1) When I load this file directly into the Gideros TP, the program crashes (on Mac). This only happens if the "Remove Alpha Border" option is unchecked. I guess that TP is failing when trying to create a large texture, but it should be able to handle this size?

2) If I use the "Remove Alpha Border" the image loads okay but the output is not what I want. I am looking for the equivalent of the "crop" option in CodeAndWeb's TexturePacker. That is, I would like the sprite to be treated as if it never had those extended transparent pixels. What I seem to be getting is a result equivalent to the "trim" option in C&W's TP. What is the expected result?

3) Is the format of the Gideros texture pack file documented anywhere? I'm trying to understand what the last four digits on each line mean. I have C&W's TP but I think there might be a bug in their output of Gideros files with the "crop" option enabled and I'd like to be demonstrate this to them.

The file that appears to work (if I manually crop the MakeBall0001.png" image) is:

MakeBall00001.png, 2, 2, 208, 207, 0, 0, 0, 0
PlayBall00001.png, 2, 211, 206, 207, 0, 0, 0, 0

The one that C&W TP produces using "crop" is:

MakeBall00001.png, 2, 2, 208, 208, 186, 1042, -186, -1042 <--- Why the difference?
PlayBall00001.png, 2, 212, 206, 207, 0, 0, 0, 0

The one that Gideros TP produces is:

PlayBall00001.png, 1, 1, 204, 204, 1, 1, 3, 2
MakeBall00001.png, 207, 1, 206, 206, 187, 1043, 1655, 287 <--- Why the difference?

4) Could you add an option to output different scaled files to the Gideros TP (@2x, @half etc)? And ideally, a "crop" option too?

Best regards
Gtp Test.zip


  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    1) Yes it's a bug and I corrected it. Although this bugfix will be available with the next version, I can send you this bugfixed version in a couple of days.

    2) I know not a good solution but if you _don't_ want to preserve the original size (as in "crop"), you can change the last 4 numbers to 0, 0, 0, 0. C&W TP should put 0, 0, 0, 0 in "crop" option. I think it's a bug of C&W TP and I'll contact with Andreas.

    3) The last 4 numbers are the sizes of trimmed pixels from left, right, top and bottom. They should never be negative numbers.

    4) ok :)

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