I'm a producer/designer working with a group of programming students to make a game. I am not a programmer, Gideros is new to me, as is the Droid platform.
The students sent me the game file. I have the app running on my PC.
I've got Gideros running on my Droid phone. I entered the IP address of my phone.
When I hit OK, I see the code run in Gideros on my PC, and the screen flashes on my phone. But my phone doesn't show the game window.
When I open GiderosAndroidPlayer.apk on my phone, it just shows the white page with a display of the IP address.
Can you explain what I need to fix/change in order to get the game app running on my phone? Thanks for your help.
I can see the game running when I stay with the local host - then I see it on my PC....
and while it's open start it button on your PC.
More info here: http://www.giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/index.php/Deployment
But that's just for testing. You can also export file as Android project and compile it in Eclipse with ADT plugin.
Of course you'll also need Latest Android SDK