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A few newbie questions — Gideros Forum

A few newbie questions

DirtyHarryDirtyHarry Member
edited May 2012 in General questions

I am coming from a Cocos2d and Corona SDK background, and I read a few days ago about Gideros SDK, which seems to be a very interesting platform. I have a few questions I hope you can answer.

1. Is GameCenter Multiplayer currently implemented? I see that this does not seem to be the case in the Roadmap, since it is planned for the next release, but I have also seen games making use of it. In other words, if the feature is not there, am I correct I could write a plugin to make this functionality available to Gideros SDK?
2. Same as above, but about iAd.
3. Gideros SDK has many advantages of Corona that are very important for me (offline builds and native plugins, first of all). Are there obvious limitations I might encounter porting Corona SDK apps to Gideros? I have some clients in need of some of the Gideros SDK features with Corona SDK apps, interested in a possible port and thus in purchasing a Gideros SDK license. I tried looking for a Corona vs Gideros comparison chart, but I could not find much on the web - I hope to have a chance to test converting some simple games over the next weeks, but maybe you have some experience on this topic.



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