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lua matrix bug on android — Gideros Forum

lua matrix bug on android

alexzhengalexzheng Guru
edited January 2012 in Bugs and issues
I'm working on a tetris game these days and I use matrix from http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaMatrix.
It work well on giderplayer,however,after export to android project and run in my nexus s,it just show a white screen.
I make sure this is caused by the matrix by add the following code to the jumping ball's main.lua
local matrix = require 'matrix'
m1 = matrix{{8,4,1},{6,8,3}}
m2 = matrix{{-8,1,3},{5,2,1}}
assert(m1 + m2 == matrix{{0,5,4},{11,10,4}})

and it also show a white screen in my nexus and it work well after removing these lines.


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