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Nice discussion on how to measure loyalty and retention — Gideros Forum

Nice discussion on how to measure loyalty and retention


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited July 2012
    Well most obvious things to measure in my perspective would be which levels player solve/pass (do they stuck on any specific level?). And how many tries it got them to complete level (are levels too hard, or too easy?)

    What are your usual practices to measure in apps/games?
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Other measurement areas could be:

    - In-app purchases: Total IAPs (of course broken down to assets; and game levels)
    - Heat maps: Observing where the opponent / player died on a screen using a heatmap (playtomic can do this).
    - Give-ups: Whether the customer left the game after this death or not. First you collect all die events, and then find out what percentage has left the game right after this death.
    - A/B tests: You experience user's buying/playing habits with a set of features, and then change it & observe differences.
    - Loyalty: How many users played the game for a given period?
    - Session duration: For how long your game is played?
    - Total and new users

    Apart from that, push notifications can also increase engagement. A study (I cannot remember where) shows that if push notifications are used, then user retention can be increased by 30%.

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