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GTween vs MovieClip vs Texture Pack/Bird Animation Examples — Gideros Forum

GTween vs MovieClip vs Texture Pack/Bird Animation Examples

MagnusviriMagnusviri Member
edited May 2012 in General questions
There are several Gideros example projects that I don't understand their purpose. "Graphics/Bird Animation" and "Graphics/Texture Pack" both show ways of creating animated sprites. However, that is what appears to be the purpose of MovieClip. There is no example of MovieClip (that I could find).

Similarly confusing to me is that MovieClip has tween abilities but there is an example of the gtween.lua and easing.lua files instead.

Are these things overlapping? Is there a reason Texture Pack and Bird Animation don't use MovieClip? Is there a reason for including GTween instead of using MovieClip? I realize that GTween can tween anything with a .get and .set method, but I'm wondering why there is no example of MovieClip and if it is suppose to do similar things.

Dislikes: cvieira, yarnee

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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited May 2012
    I don't know how it really is, but in my perspective, the Bird Animation is an example of creating separate class for animated object (Maybe MovieClips didn't exist when this example was created).

    I prefer using MovieClip over BirdAnimation example, simply because you need to write less code and it provides nice functions on controlling the animation.

    About difference between Gtween and MovieClip. Well Gtween provides much more options, as for example on end events, reverse animation, etc.
    I use Gtween when I don't need to deal with frames.

    But yeah, it would be great to hear from @atilim, the history of creating objects and why they are overlapping.
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited May 2012

    There was a discussion about that topic if I remember well :
    Movie Clip vs Gtween
    Jan 10
    I agree. They have many features in common.
    MovieClips are designed to be static. You construct a movie clip animation then use again and again without changing it. GTween is more dynamic. You create a tween on demand, it plays and then garbage collected. As you said, after onComplete handlers are implemented, it seems MovieClips will be able to do everything that GTween does. (And, as you said, MovieClips are native and faster to execute)
    Hope it helps.
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