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Scroll A Text — Gideros Forum

Scroll A Text

talistalis Guru
edited July 2012 in General questions
Hi everyone,

I want to scroll a text with swiping finger on screen. (Like a listview in android)
I have done this one:
local yy
local str="some random text e random text e random text e random text e random text e random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e random text e random text e random texte random text e"
local text6 = TextWrap.new(str, 400, "left")
text6:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN,function(event) yy=event.y
Like this the text is scrolling in y direction like i wanted but on every retouch it is sliding to retouched y coordinate.
I want to imitate a listview(scrollview), like it should stay where it was:D
Any comments will be appreciated:D


  • You need to factor in the Y position of text6, otherwise you're changing it as if it was always starting at Y coordinate 0.

    Likes: talis

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  • talistalis Guru
    edited July 2012
    I just want to say it is perfect. Thank you very much guys. I love this community;)
    @zvardin thanks for the comment you are right I added y coordinate plus boundaries and worked like a charm.

    But @atilim's version is far way better than my implementation. Anyway I am learning;)

    Thanks for showing @ar2rsawseen.

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