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TapforTap — Gideros Forum


  • fxonefxone Member
    edited July 2012
    without the full support of the developers is really hard to make a good plugin for tapfortap, tapjoy, mobage, kiip, gree (openfeint), papaya and so on. I think there isn't even one good example for online leaderboards on gideros mobile. Maybe monetization process on appstore is easier, but on google play you can make money only with social sdks, I think.
  • I have been testing their network out, I intend to release a game later this month that will use their system instead of ads to give me other apps a boost.

    As far as integrating TapForTap, it's pretty much the same as Admob which there is a pretty easy tutorial for http://appcodingeasy.com/Gideros-Mobile/Gideros-Implementing-AdMob-for-Android

    I like the idea of it, but haven't really given it much of a go yet.

    @fxone As far as other systems go, there is restful API support in Gideros and leader boards/high-scores/character saves/etc can all be done via kivey or GameMinion at the moment. (I haven't used them yet, because I need to check into the requirements for US Encryption Exports in apps, as GameMinion uses Base 65 Encrypting to authenticate)

    I agree it would be nice if some of these systems could have official plugins but the dev team here is pretty busy I am sure they will get to it at some-point in the future. I have been working on getting kiip.me working with Gideros though a plugin for a little while now, and while I have it functioning it's not really polished enough to call a plugin at the moment. Thankfully Gideros does offer us plugin support, so we can technically write a plugin to support anything we actually need if it's not currently supported directly.

    Anyway got sidetracked heh, yes I have been playing with TapForTap and since it is supported under AdMob's new Network Mitigation setup, you can just setup ad mob and include both SDKs and they just say give 10% of your traffic to TapForTap and keep the rest on AdMob if you like.

    Hopefully TapForTap will give my apps a nice boost by spreading some of the traffic around a bit and exposing my apps to millions of possible views.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Likes: fxone

    ThumbHurt Games / FB: ThumbHurt Games / FB: Eli/Teranth | Skype: teranth37
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  • fxonefxone Member
    @Teranth I've just tried TapForTap only on credit spending mode without installing sdk:1600 banner's impressions during 5 minutes and 5 clicks only. According to my current history I should share 100% of 1 month AdMob's traffic to get this 5 minutes in TapForTap ad network. Hm... It seems to be more convenient to developers who use refreshing of ads, I suppose. Anyway it's interesting solution. Thanks! http://r.tapfortap.com/KDI2T
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