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Anyone used PhysicsEditor? — Gideros Forum

Anyone used PhysicsEditor?

DikkesnoekDikkesnoek Member
edited July 2012 in General questions
Has anyone used PhysicsEditor already? The sample code from the
generated physicsdata (lua) file does not work:

-- Usage example:
require "box2d"
local world = b2.World.new(0, 9.8)
local body = world:createBody{type = b2.DYNAMIC_BODY}
local scaleFactor = 1.0
local physics = (loadfile "PhysicsData.lua")().physicsData(scaleFactor)
physics:addFixture(body, object name)

I try to add some physics to a complex irregular bottom floor.

Can anyone recommend me a tutorial/help link/code snippet to implement
this? I could not find much in the Wiki and Academy.




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