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TestFlight - iOs beta testing - What's your experience? — Gideros Forum

TestFlight - iOs beta testing - What's your experience?

MellsMells Guru
edited August 2012 in General questions

I am considering TestFlight to make my current app available for beta users.

That's the first time for me, so I have a few questions before I start using it :
  • What is your experience with them?
  • Would you say that it's user friendly (I have no experience) and easy to start?
  • Is that the only alternative for ios beta testing?
  • And last, would you advise dev to use it or just release as quickly as possible and iterate from mail feedback?
Thank you.
twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps


  • Works beautifully. Enables app testing on my wife's ipad2 and my old iPod touch when someone else builds it
  • We use it for one developer who has a Mac to build and the rest of the team/testers use it to install remotely
  • phongttphongtt Guru
    edited August 2012
    I'm using it and happy with it. Easy to use for both dev side and tester (non-technical) side.
    And now it has a native Mac App, you can drag IPA file into the app and that's it, no need to upload via web.
    For alternative, I used to see something but dont remember. You can google it again if you're curious :)

    I don't understand your last question ("And last, would you advise dev to use it or just release as quickly as possible and iterate from mail feedback?").
    By "release" you mean submitting directly to store?
  • Thank you for the answers.

    We use it for one developer who has a Mac to build and the rest of the team/testers use it to install remotely
    that's a big advantage.

    I don't understand your last question ("And last, would you advise dev to use it or just release as quickly as possible and iterate from mail feedback?").
    By "release" you mean submitting directly to store?
    I know that it varies from dev/app, but I was wondering about the quality of feedback that devs got by :
    • Investing in building a community before release, spend time making people interested in participating in the beta testing
    • Or release in the app store for discounted price or free first (maybe get a liiiiiiittle bit more exposure than trying to build a community by myself) as soon as possible and get feedback from users.
    My question was focused on the quality of feedback that devs could collect by using Testflight vs people coming from App Stores.

    My goal is to get as much feedback as possible from users that I don't know (different ways of using the app, different devices) instead of a closed beta between people that are part of the project.

    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • It is really a great service @Mells

    Working with many clients makes you organize app testing, and Testflightapp gives you such service.

    I wonder if there's a service like that for android?
    have fun with our games~
  • Working with many clients makes you organize app testing, and Testflightapp gives you such service.
    yes in a B2B situation the advantage seems obvious :)
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • It's definitely a good tool to distribute apps.
    But you'll probably need to integrate an SDK for in-app feedback to allow users to encourage users to send more feedback.

    Check http://instabug.io and here's a promocode for you to signup with "rnd4250".

    Let me know your feedback
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