I can't resize the project outliner on the left in Gideros Studio (macosX) and it's very narrow.
Sometimes it happens, then I'm able to do it again. I don't know how to reproduce the issue, it seems random.
For example now, I can't see the name of my files = can't click, can't work.
Any idea on how to fix it?
Also, I've always thought that it was too narrow. I'd like to be able to resize it however I want because I've never been able to read the full name of my files.
Maybe @atilim will fix it.
as a temporary solution, delete the file ~/.config/giderosmobile.com/GiderosStudio.ini and run the studio again.
you are right, I had too many files opened and that caused this "issue".
Thank you Alex.
Closing several files did the trick but there is probably something to be done about it, I don't know well