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How do I make something grow then shrink (problem with alignment) — Gideros Forum

How do I make something grow then shrink (problem with alignment)

Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
edited September 2012 in General questions

I'm trying to make a button grow out and in a bit. I see how to use the enterFrame event to do it, but the alignment is taken from the top left of the button object.

Is there a way to set an objects reference point to say the center so it will scale in and out correctly?


-- onEnterFrame

local scale = 1;

local function onEnterFrame ()

-- Make play button grow

scale = scale + .05;



stage:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);


  • petecpetec Member
    Accepted Answer
    playButton:setAnchorPoint(0.5,0.5) should do it.
    For info - setAnchorPoint(0,0) is top left and setAnchorPoint(1,1) is bottom right
  • Would this be a good place for Gtween?
  • It could well be. This is what I've used to make buttons pulse. I started with something that set the scale instantly at the start so that it felt responsive and then used a tween to reset the scale to 1:
    function Sprite:pulse()
    	GTween.new(self, 0.15, {scaleX=1,scaleY=1}, {})
    By mistake I only entered one value in the setScale bit and found that it scaled both x and y like that. Is that a known feature? It's nice and easy to use as
    Then I developed it a bit so that I could enter a vale for the scaling, including one that is less than 1 so that I could make the sprite smaller if I wanted to, say when I want a button to look like its been pressed down or into something.
    function Sprite:pulse(scl)
    	GTween.new(self, 0.15, {scaleX=1,scaleY=1}, {})
    Then I added a default scale factor so that I didn't have to always include a value:
    function Sprite:pulse(scl)
    	if scl == nil then
    	GTween.new(self, 0.15, {scaleX=1,scaleY=1}, {})
    And my final version came about because I used the pulse on something that I had already scaled down which caused a problem when the scale was set back to 1 by the tween. So the version I use now gets the original scale of the sprite and the tween resets it to that value rather than 1:
    function Sprite:pulse(scl)
    	local sclX=self:getScaleX()
    	local sclY=self:getScaleY()
    	if scl == nil then
    	GTween.new(self, 0.15, {scaleX=sclX,scaleY=sclY}, {})
    I've shown all the stages that I went through in case it's useful for anyone. I know when I first got started with Gideros something like my final version made much less sense than my first version :)
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