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The whole point of going through the scientific method is to test if what seemed like “a good idea at the time” really is or not – that way you don’t end up spending time, money and energy pursuing silly things.
Here’s a quick refresher on how this system of testing works:
- Ask a question (like, “Will people play this for longer than 5 minutes?”)
- Do background research (are people spending time on similar things?)
- Construct a hypothesis (“I suspect people will spend longer than 5 minutes on this because…”)
- Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment (or two, or three…)
- Analyse your data – both personal feedback and statistical data (were you right or wrong?)
- Communicate your results (share it with the team, blog about it, whatever)/
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Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
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This is formatted with a "blockquote" which is enough to show that those are not my own words.
If you find that the formatting doesn't suit your own tastes, please send a request to the person that deals with it and I'm sure that your concerns will be taken care of.
Also, I have blind trust that people here understand that "Nice article" would not be aimed at a content that I would have produced myself. Maybe we don't share this idea, maybe we do.
Finally, this is good enough that I put a link to external content : if it benefits people here and the author of the article himself, then it's good.
Enjoy your day.