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iOS 6 Player Error Message under XCode 4.5 — Gideros Forum

iOS 6 Player Error Message under XCode 4.5

bowerandybowerandy Guru
edited September 2012 in General questions
If I build the Gideros iOS player under Xcode 4.5 and run on an iOS 6 device then I see this in the log:
AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  22050 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
init_memory_pool: 1048576
starting render thread
2012-09-28 10:49:39.607 GiderosiOSPlayer[956:907] Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
fps: 59.1425
fps: 60.0279
Running the same code (built with Xcode 4.5) using an iOS 5 device doesn't produce this error
AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  22050 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000C2C) 8.24-bit little-endian signed integer, deinterleaved
init_memory_pool: 1048576
starting render thread
fps: 47.7566
fps: 60.0044
Perhaps this is the source of the autorotation bug mentioned here.

I should also point out that any UIViews created in landscape mode (either with Hot Wax or with UIKit) on the 4.5/iOS6 combination are screwed up. Some are rotated to landscape and some are not.

If I run the same tests with XCode 4.3 there is no debug message and the screwy rotation doesn't occur. For the time being I'm happy to stay with XCode 4.3.1 but for a time I did have an issue debugging on an iOS 6 device using this version (i.e. Xcode would complain and not see the device). For anyone else who has this problem, I think the solution is to install XCode 4.5 in parallel so you have both versions in your Applications folder.

best regards


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