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What would be the steps to develop a multiplayer game playable online (in a 10,000 foot view)? — Gideros Forum

What would be the steps to develop a multiplayer game playable online (in a 10,000 foot view)?

MellsMells Guru
edited October 2012 in General questions
Hi community,

in short : apart from development-related issues, what would be the steps to create a multiplayer game with Gideros?
What is needed, which infrastructure would a dev need to invest in?

For example, imagine you want to create a Bomberman-like where each player plays on his own device (mobile phone or tablet) - locally or online - where each player's action can interact with the others, a global leaderscore is saved, and players can "join" other people's sessions.

What would be the steps to develop such a game?

  1. My question is not "is it realistic?" but more :
    If you had all the resources available, what would be the steps to make it possible?".
  2. Also, is Gideros in its current state ready to support all those features?
twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps


  • Since Gideros supports sockets, I think it is completely possible.
    You need a central server with static IP address, and then all devices should connect to this server, you divide them in groups/games/rooms and let them play, where every device sends information to server, server processes it and sends update state information to all connected clients.

    Performance or quantity of servers you need to have depends on amount of players you may want to let play at the same moment and stuff like this need more researching and experimenting, since I don't have any background in this, can't give more precise specifications.
  • @ar2rsawseen thank you, I hope other users will complete those informations.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
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