Okay, so I've noticed a bit of confusion on the forum about how Gideros handles different device resolutions and image scaling. Also, I have to admit to having been a little flummoxed myself along these lines. Hence I have put together a sample
Gideros project that tries to demonstrate what is going on as the different project parameters are changed and different devices are used as target. I think I can now see how I will configure my future apps for different devices when the time comes.
Unfortunately, the dimensions of the test backgrounds are currently for iOS devices only (since that is my primary focus right now) but I'll be happy to update these with scales for the more important Android devices. If you guys can post to this thread the top 4 Android device resolutions that I should include then I'll try to incorporate them.
In the demo as it stands, I have set it up for:
1) Pixel Perfect scaling. I can't imagine anybody wanting their assets scaled arbitrarily so I think most pros would choose this. Obviously, you can alter it and see the effects for yourself.
2) I've chosen a logical scaling of about iPhone 4/iPad dimensions for the base asset size. I imagine most devices now are coming out with this sort of screen dimension. This means that 768x1024, or 640x960 are proposed as the typical logical canvas size and this is the scale used for assets with no
@x? suffix.
3) Higher scale assets (currently only iPad 3 under iOS) are given the
@2x suffix
4) The original iPhone/IPod assets would have
@half suffix.
5) I have chosen to centre the background to make things easier to understand. I think this is probably the way most people will want to work when allowing for different size screens.
6) In the project as it stands I have set the base resolution of the project as 640x960. This makes the normal iPhone fit like this:

On an iPad this gives a bleed zone around the edge. As you can see this brings the origin away from the top left. Here's the new iPad version, which shows high res assets are being used too:

This seems to me like the way I might choose to work since it gives me a reasonable canvas to keep key things on the screen for all devices, but then allows me to push non-essential graphics etc into the bleed zone if I wish.
7) If I try using 768x1024 then I find the iPhone devices DON'T behave as I expect. And maybe this has been the source of the confusion for me in the past. If anyone can provide the explanation for this, I'd be grateful.
@atilim perhaps? Here's what I see for the iPhone 4 on this setting:

6) I haven't tried this with iPhone 5 settings as yet since I haven't yet installed the latest Gideros version that caters for this in the player. The iPhone 5 dimensions are however include in the template backgrounds.
I hope this proves helpful to others. It's certainly been useful for me.
best regards
I mostly use letterbox scaling, because it tries to cover whole screen while maintaining the aspect ratio, and use absolute positions or larger backgrounds or patterns to fill whitespaces (basically its the question of design) and in my opinion letterbox is what everyone should use if something other specific is not required.
best regards
Really letterbox does what you expect, not pixel perfect.
Hope that you will share a Gideros Project that name: "Universal Build Skeleton" :P
What you want to be able to do is, as you say, supply a background asset that is big enough to fill all the screen on which it is to work. This is what the demo does. As you can see it scales horribly on the iPhone. This is with LetterBox 768x1024 but running on an iPhone:
Sorry about the large size but I wanted to show the image distortion.
best regards
It's completely ok to use arbitrary scaling, even with small image as 80x80px gideros scales it awesomely to Ipad Retina resolution and it looks pretty well (really I was shocked).
From the performance perspective of course upsacling images might not be a good idea, but that is why you'll provide @2 and even @0.5 images (if you want) so Gideros would automatically take the closest resolution and use it to minimize the resources on image scaling. I
used to think similar as you, but using Gideros has proven that it's all can be quite easy and many of this thing can be done with Gideros automatically.
Likes: bowerandy
Despite that (which may well be good enough) I still think PP should choose the correct asset and then it would, IMO, work correctly.
best regards
Likes: Platypus
So if PP takes the proper background, there is still all those resolutions between @2 and @1 that would simply have smaller images than the screen, doesn't that bother you?
I can't imagine why it wouldn't be enabled by default. Not knowing this has cause me, and I think @bernard, to be confused about how best to use the Gideros resolution features.
and BTW this is the reason I've implemented the global method to enable texture/font filtering in GiderosEasy: application:enableFiltering(), application:disableFiltering() and application:isFilteringEnabled()
PS and now I completely understand your confusion
But again, being persistent myself, I think there is a bug in the PP mode and I can imagine a fair few developers wanting to use it because of a desire to have artwork be rendered exactly as it was drawn.
best regards
PS, I'd add the default true parameter to those function calls in GiderosInit. I really think it could save a bad impression being given to new users. I suspect, @bernard may have been on the brink of forming such an opinion.
Likes: duke2017
So @bowerandy and @ar2rsawseen, please working together for that [-O<
Logical dimensions 480x800
Automatic scaling: Letterbox.
Then create all the graphics for these dimensions and second twice as size that will be used as @2 images.
Use filtering for all textures and fonts.
Create backgrounds in 600x854 (and 1200x1708 for @2) resolutions to cover both Iphone5 and Ipad2 whitespaces and position them in the center of the screen (probably using anchorpoint 0.5 is easier)
Use absolute positioning (ignoring scaling) for such elements as controls (to place them in the corners, etc).
That's all there is to it
P.S.: you could also use other logical dimensions, something that you find more suitable and calculate maximal offsets for whitespaces yourself. Basically I'm not saying that 480x800 is the best dimension to use, it's just something I'm using.
Likes: bowerandy, yvz5, duke2017, thanhquan1512
I think it is very useful for newbie like me!
Likes: plicatibu
Likes: nextgamevertex, bravcm
The problem in the iOS world is that, since the resolution of the Retina display is beyond the perception of the average eye (and certainly beyond that of my misty corneas) then one just has to sense whether the images are perfect or not. I suspect that many pro developers would be worried that Jobso was looking down on them from above and for that reason wouldn't want to tolerate any scaling at all just in case someone, somewhere might notice.
Anyway, thanks for pointing out that option. Previously, I had also thought that I'd have to give up on TT fonts because of the scaling issue. Now I see, they don't look half bad.
best regards
I've just tested it, but i don't know why I change resolution to ipad retina, the image background still @1?
Likes: nextgamevertex
Thanks for the sample code. I see it works in all resolutions.
What this allows you to do is have better control over how you scale on different devices. So you can use a combination of pixel perfect and letterbox by using your own logic to decide what mode a screen resolution should use. The best way to do this is to work out what scaling the current screen would give if you kept it in letterbox and if it's within tolerances, then use pixel perfect instead, e.g. if a screen would scale to 2.1x then, as long as you've taken enough extra space into consideration in bleeds and layouts, it's safe to set pixel perfect as the scale mode instead, for the best display.
This is especially important on Android devices where you may as well pretty much think that you'll get any screen size thrown at the app. Doing this allows you to present the imagery as good as possible on screen sizes that are within your tolerances by using pixel perfect, and using letterboxing for other displays.
In my opinion letterboxing is there for a catch all and shouldn't be the default way you scale. But that's just my opinion
Likes: bowerandy
Providing more granular assets on Android is the best way of retaining a good display and that's partly why I want to be able to have the app download the best assets for the device it's installed on but can't currently do this due to Gideros always 'touching' the base image size and only allowing higher resolution assets to be loaded from the same directory (which wouldn't be the case with downloaded assets). You'd also need more control over scaling settings, forcing Gideros to use a certain asset extension if the files have been downloaded but we can't currently do this, so you have to bundle the files with the app.
Basically it's a lot more complex, if you want to ensure good display on a wide range of devices, than just picking a scaling mode and sticking with it.
Likes: bowerandy
But based on what you said, that letterboxing is there for a catch all, that is why it actually should be a default. And pixelperfect or other scaling methods used in special cases.
One thing that came to mind (actually a question), is letterboxed exactly to double size displaying @2 resources the same as pixelperfect with @2 resources? Is there any overhead in letterbox, that won't be if pixel perfect was used?
Assume that the original scaling is ~0.9. If you choose PP, scaling is selected as 0.5 (to not to crop the graphics) and you obtain a result similar to #7.
Mind you in these circumstances you'd be better using letterbox anyway, otherwise you could end up with very large amounts of unused space on the screen.
best regards
@bowerandy Because if I choose 1, then cropping occurs.
And I'm always open to suggestions about the behavior of PP.