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Download and install Facebook SDK from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Add FacebookSDK.framework to your project. Add the backward compatibility headers as described <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Add {Gideros Installation Directory}/All Plugins/Facebook/source/iOS/* files to your Xcode project. If enabled, disable “Application does not run in background” property in .plist file. |
Here are some more info:
1. You need to download and install Facebook iOS SDK. If you're using Xcode 4.5+iOS 6 SDK, you can download the latest one (currently 3.1.1). If you want to stick with pre Xcode 4.5, you need to download version 3.0.8 from
2. If you're using Xcode 4.5 + iOS 6 SDK, add Accounts.framework, AdSupport.framework to your project
3. Add FacebookSDK.framework to your project.
4. Add the backward compatibility headers as described
5. Add {Gideros Installation Directory}/All Plugins/Facebook/source/iOS/* files to your Xcode project.
6. If enabled, disable “Application does not run in background” property in .plist file.
7. Add URL Scheme as fbYOUR_APP_ID to .plist file as shown in the screenshot.
After these steps, if you can build GiderosiOSPlayer without any problem, we're ready for some coding. Here is a part of my test code:
Likes: fxone
I'm downloading new version 2012.9.2, hope offline API document has already updated this stuff
You can find the official documentation
For dialogs:
And for graph requests:
main.lua:65: module 'facebook' not found:
no field package.preload['facebook']
no file './facebook.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/facebook.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/facebook/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/facebook.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/facebook/init.lua'
no file './'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
stack traceback:
I'm guessing I missed a step somewhere in the setup, though I did follow the FB SDK installation video and all your steps above as far as I can tell.
Does anything need to be added to the AppDelegate.h to import "gfacebook.h" or "facebook.h"?
And for step 5, where should those files be added to in the project? just the base project dir or the plugins dir?
- add facebookbinder.cpp and to the Build Phases > Compile Sources
This threw one additional error about not finding gfacebook.h, so I had to change the top import line in from:
#import "gfacebook.h"
It then built successfully and I was able to publish a feed to my wall.
Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: achimeno
I'm integrating Facebook in Save my toys and I found a problem with the "Cancel button", it dispaches DIALOG_COMPLETE
In case someone might be interested, I solved this changing the
Likes: hgvyas123, omer
1. If you get error in #include < Facebook.h > then check steps 4 (add DeprecatedHeader folder from FacebookSDK to your Frameworks folder in project tree), edit to #import "Facebook.h"
2. If you get error related FBCrypto.o and you are using Facebook SDK 3.5 then add Security.framework to your project
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