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Add a Object and process Object.Event.Mouse_Move on parent — Gideros Forum

Add a Object and process Object.Event.Mouse_Move on parent

Unknown Member
edited November 2012 in General questions
Hi all,

Please help me!
I have a "main" class include many "Object", and each Object have own Event.Mouse_Move!
I want to each object when receive Event.Mouse_Move do a fu:
in main.lua
function f1()

function f2()

function f3()

obj1 = Object.new()
obj2 = Object.new()
obj3 = Object.new()

obj1.EventMouseMove = f1()--I dont what exactly structure
obj2.EventMouseMove = f2()
obj3.EventMouseMove = f3()


  • Sorry I don't really understand, you don't know how to add event to object?
    obj1:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_MOVE, f1)
    Or are you looking for a more efficient way to do that?
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