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OpenGL ES 2.0 + Render to Texture + Windows Phone 8 — Gideros Forum

OpenGL ES 2.0 + Render to Texture + Windows Phone 8

atilimatilim Maintainer
edited November 2012 in General questions
Hi all,

I've started developing OpenGL ES 2.0 port actively. And then Render to Texture + Windows Phone 8 support will come after. Currently, there isn't any time estimation but I'm trying hard to release a beta version soon.

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  • i love you. :x
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  • denizdeniz Maintainer
    I am like...
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  • Hi @atilim, that's great news. But, what's happening with the two outstanding features that were in the 'next release' road map:

    Asynchronous texture loading
    Encryption of Compiled Lua files

    Also, where does re-working the sound API fit in? I've been having a whole heap of issues with sound, see this thread: http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/1984/soundchannels
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @moopf I'm working on these on parallel.
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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    And we've pushed the desktop port further and move Windows Phone 8 to the front.
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  • @atilim - I'm curious what the rationale for that is? Surely, as developers, we have more to gain in the immediate future in having desktop support than Windows Phone 8? Having said that, I know it's Gideros Mobile, so it probably makes sense for you :D
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @moopf in fact, we think quite the opposite. Windows Phone 8 can provide more competitive advantage compared to desktop support.
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  • That's presuming it's not an "also ran" in the mobile OS wars ;)
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited November 2012
    I hope so :) I've the faith in Windows Phone rises.
  • JaviJavi Member
    edited November 2012
    @atilim Great! will you include also any function to create pngs or raw RGBA arrays from textures/screen?
    BTW, just a tiny suggestion for the IDE; to sort images in groups by image scale suffix and enable "automatic downsizing" for multiple selection.
    Working with several hundreds of images it's a pain to select and click one by one...
  • john26john26 Maintainer
    edited November 2012
    @atilim. I completely agree with your decision to create a WP 8 version and very much welcome this. I think this is exactly how Gideros needs to develop: by adding new platforms quickly. You can't wait to see which platforms will become successful indy dev's need to be there on day one to make their name. When a platform becomes mature it gets doiminated by big companies and indys don't get a look in. Hence WP8 better than PC apps (IMO).

    One question: any chance of a BB version while you are in the mood to add new platforms? :-) BB10 is rather like WP8 in that it is a new platform (BB10 is out in Jan 2013) which has the potential to become big but no one knows if it will succeed yet.

    I appreciate you must be phenomenally busy but you may be aware RIM is actively seeking developers even paying them to produce apps:


    I've been tinkering with the BB Natve SDK myself and it is a straightforward C++ system supporting OpenGL ES. RIM has also ported Lua and Box2d.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited November 2012
    It looks like there will be a party :)
    I would leave 10000000000000000000000000 pluses if I could to this thread :)
  • THIS is the post I have been waiting for since I downloaded Gideros !!!
    Thanks @atilim for listening to our prayers...
  • moopfmoopf Guru
    edited November 2012
    I really must be the only one that's not feeling the whole Windows 8 Phone thing at the moment :D Maybe it will grow on me. I have bad memories of an iMate running Pocket PC (still the only mobile device I've ever had that, when it crashed, completely reset the OS to default - so if you were out and about you were stuck with a useless brick until you could set it up again and it happened oh so often!)

    However if you wasted time doing anything for BB10 I think I'd shake my head in disbelief. RIM is a company whos time has been, and the OS will be DOA. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that it's only a matter of time before RIM is basically asset stripped (mainly for patents) by rivals. I was a devout Blackberry user for years but it simply didn't retain relevance once the smartphone market exploded with the iPhone. They completely missed the boat then and continue to do so now.

    Likes: Garyk1968

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  • @moopf well betting on Win8 is gambling. But what would you have done with desktop platform support? Going Steam? :D Good luck, I'd rather take my chances with win8. :)

    But seriously, would you benefit from desktop platforms more?

    Likes: phongtt

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  • moopfmoopf Guru
    edited November 2012
    @moopf well betting on Win8 is gambling. But what would you have done with desktop platform support? Going Steam? :D Good luck, I'd rather take my chances with win8. :)

    But seriously, would you benefit from desktop platforms more?
    No I wouldn't expect Steam, nor would I advise that because it's a pretty closed shop. For the Mac though you have the Mac app store and for PC, well, there's absolutely no problem in distributing yourself or the Windows store which could be an interesting option.

    Maybe I'm misguided but with the player working on Mac and PC anyway, I kind of thought getting that to distribution level would actually be much easier than bringing Gideros to Windows 8 Phone. I mean surely it's 90% there already in order to be able to use the players at all on desktop.

    @john26 said that the greatest benefit with new mobile platforms is being there on day one. Well, day one has been and gone for Windows 8 Phone now. Having said that, if you're basing a long term business model on just being able to jump onto new platforms on day one, that's not a very stable model to build on.

  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited November 2012

    Maybe I'm misguided but with the player working on Mac and PC anyway, I kind of thought getting that to distribution level would actually be much easier than bringing Gideros to Windows 8 Phone. I mean surely it's 90% there already in order to be able to use the players at all on desktop.
    Good point. I mean I might understand the difference for windows, it's installing, uninstalling, saving values in registry, bypassing UAC and much of other stuff. While for Mac it "could" be easy.

    There must be something under Gideros player that @atilim is not telling us :) (probably somekind of a dirty hack :) )
    Making it hard to manage to run stand alone or provide features (like running last app or managing multiple apps). This is the mystery we might never solve :)
  • NascodeNascode Guru
    edited November 2012
    OpenGL ES 2.0 support?
    Wp8 support?
    Render to Texture?

    Sir @atilim you are our hero! :)

    ps: how about some mind-bending trailer for new features ;)?
    have fun with our games~
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited November 2012
    But seriously, would you benefit from desktop platforms more?
    I understand the focus on mobile devices, but my point of view is : I would certainly care for desktop support more than W8Phones, BB10, etc...
    At least this is an existing market (via the Mac App Store for example), with proven sales numbers, existing funnel, credit card details already registered, efficient store, etc.
    For iOS devs at least it's a good thing to benefit from the Apple Ecosystem (ex : I own Bastion on Mac & iPad and would certainly buy Limbo if it was available on the iPad.).

    I don't believe much in "being there on day one". I think this is an overestimated advantage.
    But maybe this is just me and I am wrong.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • Good point. I mean I might understand the difference for windows, it's installing, uninstalling, saving values in registry, bypassing UAC and much of other stuff. While for Mac it "could" be easy.
    I'd kind of presumed that we'd be responsible for creating the installer on PC - that gives us the most flexibility and Atilim less work to do. There are plenty of installation systems available that will do all this for you and they're not difficult to use. That's pretty much akin to the process of creating the apk etc. for mobile distribution.

  • OZAppsOZApps Guru
    edited November 2012
    RenderToTexture - This will be amazing, now we can draw our own graphics on the fly.

    Windows 8 Mobile - This will be helpful just to place an app on a marketplace that is untapped, even if it fails and becomes an also ran, it will allow some exposure and hopefully some revenues. In fact since it is not tapped as yet, it can provide visibility to developers that would not be possible.

    [Edit : Added the Mobile to make it explicitly clear]
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
  • Windows 8 - This will be helpful just to place an app on a marketplace that is untapped, even if it fails and becomes an also ran, it will allow some exposure and hopefully some revenues. In fact since it is not tapped as yet, it can provide visibility to developers that would not be possible.
    Is there a separate store for Windows 8 Phone - I don't think there is, the windowsphone.com store lists Windows 8 Phone titles in with others that only require Windows 7 and above. So it's not untapped as the Windows Phone store already has a lot of titles, including the expected ones and from big outfits.
  • WM8, great stuff!

    BB10, no point RIM are out of the game
  • denizdeniz Maintainer
    We are not planning any support over BB10.

    Likes: moopf

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  • Nice move!

    Though I'm missing the desktop platform, it's logic to give priority to Windows 8 and mobile platform in general. Agree the BB is DOA as well, but what about Playstation Mobile (hint hint)?

    Thanks for the hard work. Developing in Gideros, even for an obtuse artist like me is a real joy :)

  • at this moment my joy comes basically because of the render to texture and the OpenGL ES 2.0
    I think even if you wanted to focus on iOS only, that was missing.
    This together with the mesh api opens many possibilities.
    If WP8 comes together it will be interesting, but for me that was less important. Right now I prefer to be able to get solid, complete, competitive and extensive features for iOS and Android than less possibilities but for many platforms...
  • Great!

    Is this idea still standing?

    "...we are working on a prototype to run Lua codes within the browser efficiently." ;)
  • i am very happy when i see this post. good job. Can i give suggestion about more feature? please implement all the functionality of box2d (like the contact class)
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