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Ace.Slide & Lua Question — Gideros Forum

Ace.Slide & Lua Question

BigWinstonBigWinston Member
edited November 2012 in General questions

I'm using the Lua Ace.Slide class (link below) = (great work! thanks for sharing). It works great, but I'm trying to use the same class for multiple scenes, each needs a unique configuration.

I see the Ace.Slide:init(config) allows for a configuration table to be passed in. The examples using this class pass '{parent=self}' in as the parameter. As the Ace.Slide class provides a default config table, I figured the {parent=self} was some way of using this default. When I pass in my custom config, for any given scene, it displays fine, however when changing scenes, the sprites/buttons added to the slider aren't removed with the scene transition, they remain.

Now, I assume after reading what I could find in the documentation, it's because these sprites haven't been attached to the scene.

Can someone explain to me what's happening with the {parent=self} parameter and help me figure out how to pass in my own configuration table, pretty please!?

I've tried adding my own table as a second parameter which doesn't work.

Link: http://appcodingeasy.com/Gideros-Mobile/Gideros-Mobile-Game-Template (see file Ace.Slide.lua)

Sample Call: AceSlide.init({parent = self})

Many Thanks!


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