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is it possible to save lua tables as json table through Gideros ? — Gideros Forum

is it possible to save lua tables as json table through Gideros ?

zoolaxzoolax Member
edited January 2013 in General questions
I am lua programmer who used c*a sdk for couple of years,
I am in the process of switching over to Gideros(Means I am learning the apis).
I save json tables in c* sdk using json.decode and json.encode (typical lua api).
and you define the path by doing:

local path = system.pat*****( "data.txt", system.Do****** )
local fhd = io.open( path )

then laster you just encode that as a json table.

A.how is that translate in Gideros?
B.what is the equivalent to "system.D***********" ?

Through this switch over which should not be that difficult at all.
You probably see me asking lots of things here and there:)
Thanks in advance


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