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New Sound API working? — Gideros Forum

New Sound API working?

restlessnaterestlessnate Member
edited February 2013 in General questions
I've tried this on v2012.09.9 and v2012.09.7 and get the same results.

I try this
local theSound = Sound.new(mySound)
theSound:play(0, true) -- should loop continuously
and get the following error: [string "sound.lua"]:2: bad argument #3 to 'new' (number expected, got boolean).

I try this
theSound:play(0, 2) -- should NOT work according to docs right?
and the sound plays twice then stops.

gives me: attempt to call method 'setLooping' (a nil value).

Same result for
Searched the forums but couldn't find anything. Please help!


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    It seems that your Gideros player is an older version than Gideros Studio.

    What version do you see in your Gideros player before launching an app?

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • Doh!

    Thanks. Not enough coffee this morning!
  • Can you upload Gideros Player to Google Play? It will be much more comfortable to update it or restore after hard reset or smth else.

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  • I think every new version has the .apk for the gideros player included, so if you download a newer version, you might want to upload the .apk

    The easiest way I found is running a web server (on the mac), then from the android device, download the apk via the browser and then installing it once it is downloaded.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
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  • SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
    There is another easy way if you don't want to have to start a webserver - get Dropbox on your PC/Mac and also on your device. If you put an apk into the dropbox then it can be installed via dropbox on the device.

    You can also share the dropbox link to give the apk to your friends to test.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • Guys, your decisions are great. But it is so complicated...
    1. Download new version Gideros.
    2. Install it.
    3. Browse folder with Gideros.
    4. Copy apk from this folder to dropbox/samba/whatever you want
    5. Open dropbox/file explorer from mobile device.
    6. Browse apk.
    7. Install it.

    I'm doing it everytime. And i'm full of this:)
  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    and you did not even need to recompile it with your own plugins, imagine that.
    on the other hand doing it every 3 months does not seem to be impossible.
    for copying the apk on the phone/tablet i usually use swiftp (and use e.g. total commander to connect to the ftp), which is simple enough for me.
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    What would you say (just an idea) if Gideros hosted player on server, and you could bookmark link, then visit it with every new version and download it?
  • Looks same as dropbox/samba/etc. variants.
    Why not Google Play? It is also additional PR for Gideros.
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Unless Gideros is releasing it's own apps it won't really do much good.

    And then if we add Google play, people will start asking, why not Amazon for kindle, why not SlideMe for other Android devices, why not Nook market for nooks, and then it becomes too much of hassle to manage them all.

    Besides, maybe, just maybe, hosting on our own servers could also work for IOS devices. Then it would be a single solution for all devices.
  • I know that i moan more than anybody on this forum, but this is rubbish.
    EVERYBODY knows why not amazon,slideme, etc. Everybody on this forum has Google Play(who have device with Android).
    Own server means same many steps everytime.
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited May 2013
    @unlying afaik, there is no Google Play in China. Also Kindle and Nook doesn't have Google Play.

    Own server doesn't mean many steps: you just need to visit a website (e.g. http://giderosmobile.com/player) and click download/install. Still I believe that providing the latest player through Gideros' website will simplify the installation much. At least it's a start.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • unlyingunlying Guru
    edited May 2013
    It is really funny. When we need api for amazon in-apps - "What? Amazon?". But when we need player in Google Play - "Kindle is without Google Play".
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @unlying :)) agree, I can manipulate facts :)

    I know that automatic update would be awesome, because, honestly, I have 2012.9.5 on all my devices, and I've updated it only because there was a change in Sounds API, so yeah, I'm also the one suffering from this problem. :)

    But I'm also afraid that posting Gideros player might cause confusion, there are lots of cases, where people download apps (especially free ones), without even reading description, and then leaving bad feedback, only because they don't understand what the app does (because they didn't read the description).

    I don't know how it is on Android, but on IOS you can actually bookmark a website as an app icon on "desktop" and simple click on it would update the player.

    Bottom line, I DON'T say that we will not do this, but let us try single hosted approach first
  • So what? They will leave bad marks. So? Will you cry or what?
    Did you ever read comments for this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.air ?
    I'm not sure what users write in Lithuania(or Latvia?), but in Russian it is worth to read:)

    Really, i can't understand why you so bother about "users who don't know about Gideros". You're uploading this for us, who knows. Who pays for license. You don't think about us, but about users who didn't ever listen about Gideros. It is confusing for me.
  • +1 for google play also here is the one example of andEngine to prove people will not give bad ratings



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  • hgvyas123hgvyas123 Guru
    edited May 2013
  • This thread goes to show that no matter what you do you cannot please all of the people at any time, or for that matter you cannot please any of the people some of the time :D

    What nobody has mentioned is that if the player is released on Google Play (or any combination of other stores) then the inevitable question as to why isn't it on Apple's app store will arise.

    Best keep it the way it is but alert devs that the player version is tied to the current Gideros Studio release version. Maybe also post a comprehensive tutorial on how to build the player for devs who want to write their own plugins.
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @unlying Even for such a simple case like this, it seems you're trying to increase the tension with words like "rubbish" or "Will you cry or what?". Please don't be rude.

    Likes: fxone

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  • It isn't rude for me. I'm asking about really simple solution. But you're trying to invent bicycle. With comments like "why not slideme?". What is it if not "rubbish"?
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    We've already offered a simple solution: Hosting the .apk file on
    http://www.giderosmobile.com/player You just need to visit a website and click/install.
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  • thanks @atilim it will be handy :)
    have fun with our games~
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @unlying I sense a Russian (or Slav) temperament in you :)

    So here you go to some it up:
    1) Gideros does not have Android account
    2) Gideros Player can not be published to all stores (solidarity)
    3) It would take time (work time) to manage store submissions
    4) Bad rankings are bad publicity
    5) There is as almost as good solution of self hosting, that "could" work for all members, despite the platforms (current or future added), where upgrading requires single click

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  • fxonefxone Member
    @ar2rsawseen I understand but for marketing reasons you should consider this: it would promote Gideros Mobile among android developers ;)
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Yes I understand that, but as I said somewhere above, that we are not ruling it out. It does not mean that we won't publish it to Google Play (or any other market), just not now.
  • While the topic of discussion is GiderosPlayer on GooglePlay and about rankings, here e my 2 cents from what I have seen.

    1. Majority of the people do not bother to rate/comment
    2. The ones that comment/rate an app are the ones that are either very happy or very unhappy with it
    3. The exception to rule #2 is family and friends that will rank/rate irrespectively and in favour
    4. People read and consider the rankings/ratings/comments before they commit to the app
    5. Word of mouth and coverage always helps

    Now, since Gideros Player is not an app, it does not matter about rankings as it is not an app or game that needs to be purchased and to an extent it could help people to know about Gideros. However there is another side to it where the ones that do not know about it would download it and end up frustrated that it does nothing other than display an IP Address, which can lead to a backlash which I think @Atilim is trying to avoid.

    Now that there is an APK available on the site as http://www.giderosmobile.player it helps get the latest build installed to the device directly.

    One of us developers can upload an APK to the store, but I am not sure that @atilim or @Gorkem would like it that some other developer has made it available than Gideros Mobile does officially. AGK (I think I did get that right) have a similar player but they provide it with the download for the developer to upload to their test device. Since the player would not be used by anyone else other than the developer themselves and they would atleast know how to install the player to the device.
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
  • With this "simple" decision you forgot about developers who has more than one test device. And it is really annoying to open browser, find right bookmark, download and install it many devices. May be it doesn't takes much time, but it is annoying.

    1) Gideros does not have Android account
    Is it really problem? 20 usd.

    2) Gideros Player can not be published to all stores (solidarity)
    Oh no. Please, upload it to all chinese android stores. Seriously, there is only Google Play. 99,9% of developers will be happy with it.

    3) It would take time (work time) to manage store submissions
    Khm. About 30 seconds i guess. 30 seconds for you, but -5 minutes for every developer and every device that developers own. I don't know how many active developers Gideros has, but if it is even 100 than you save 6 hours for people who cares about Gideros and spent 30 seconds for this.

    4) Bad rankings are bad publicity
    There is not such thing as bad PR until it is not obituary(or necrology?).

    5) There is as almost as good solution of self hosting, that "could" work for all members, despite the platforms (current or future added), where upgrading requires single click
    It is not really single click. Meantime Google Play will update it without any clicks.

    To be true i'm really calm person:) But sometimes it is not so easy:)
  • sslivkasslivka Member
    What's the problem pour apk from a computer, why do we need the player in Google Play?
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