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Document Issues — Gideros Forum

Document Issues

zakkwyldezakkwylde Member
edited March 2013 in General questions

I am having real issues with using sqlite and storing it in the documents location. If I go to $TMPDIR/gideros/appname/documents the file is there.

when I use db = sqlite3.open("|D|8Words.sqlite3") it comes back nil

How can I check that the |D| conversion is actually correct or not.


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @zakkwylde just making sure, but this is testing on desktop, right?
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @zakkwylde also can you check the file type with:
    file $TMPDIR/gideros/appname/documents/8Words.sqlite3
    Also can you check if you can open the file:
    local file = io.open("|D|8Words.sqlite3", "r")
    if file ~= nil then
      print("not opened")
  • Thanks.. A new day and it is working... I spent hours on this yesterday with no luck, first time after I started up up the computer. it worked. oh well.

    Thanks everyone!
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