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Sound .wav Sound format is not supported — Gideros Forum

Sound .wav Sound format is not supported

yubaroyubaro Member
edited April 2013 in General questions
Hi!...in Gideros player and device real i get "...folder/archive.wav: Sound format is not supported." ...what is the problem?
with mp3 files I have no problems...I want to use .wav files for sound effects but I can not because it comes out that the format is not supported. For background music i use .mp3.Thanks for your answers


  • I use .wav files successfully in my project. Only thing I can think of is maybe there are issues using compressed .wav files.
  • petecpetec Member
    I usually convert mp3 to 22050 khz 16 bit wav and that works fine. I have tried lower quality wav files to save file size and with some settings have given the "not supported" error. Can't remember what settings gave it to me. You might want to check the settings you're using.
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited April 2013
    As @zvardin say, Gideros cannot load compressed wav files. For example, here is a list about different wav encoders: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV#WAV_file_compression_codecs_compared Currently, Gideros can load 8 and 16 bit PCM formats (which are pretty common). If you open that .wav file with an editor (like audacity) and save again, I think you can load it successfully.

  • I was testing the export with audacity and this is what came out:

    auido.wav -> WAV (Microsoft 16 bit PCM with sign) -> 98.0Kb -> Working
    audio.wav -> GSM 6.10 WAV (mobile devices) -> 5.07Kb -> Not working
    audio.mp3 -> Mp3 -> 9.79Kb -> Working
    File convert mp3 to wav -> audio.wav -> 103Kb -> Not working

    I want to use wav sound effects. But mp3 weighs much less.

    Will I have a memory problem when using mp3 files and not use wav?

    I found this

    http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/comment/22927 # Comment_22927

    According to @ Atilim:
    Atilim said:
    Hi all,

    You should use. Wav files for sound effects and. Mp3 for background music. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of these:

    wav files-: Entire sound is loaded into memory. You have to play very low latency. Consumes little CPU while playing. Simultaneously Suitable for sound effects played.
    mp3 files: Sound is played by reading small chunks THEREFORE consume little memory. Compared to consume more CPU. Wav files. Suitable for background music / speech. According to my tests, playing a single mp3 consume About% 20 of the CPU on iPod touch 2nd gen.
  • @Atilim , I did what you told me with audacity, save again:

    auido.wav -> 49.0Kb -> Working

    But it's still heavier than mp3.

    Will I have a memory problem when using mp3 files and not use wav?
  • @zvardin , @petec and @Atilim thanks for your answers
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited April 2013
    @yubaru that is exactly the point, as wav are uncompressed (thus weighting more), but they will play back instantly, as oppose to compressed whiles, where you might get delays before playing sounds (because they need to be uncompressed).
    That is one of the reasons to use wav for SFX and mp3 for BG music, as BG music would probably weight more (so using mp3 would compress it) and it does not get bothered by delay.
    Sound effects however usually need to be played immediately, after some action of user, so they should weight more (which means they are uncompressed) and will be played almost instantly ;)
  • @ar2rsawseen, thanks for your answer ... I understand what you tell me, and is very logical.

    The only problem I see is if you use many wav files, since they'd have a bigger weight to the application.

    Imagine if you have a zoo in your application and you have 100 sound effects (a 25kb each sound) you would have to 2.5Mb wav, mp3 you would have compared to 0.5Mb (a 5kb each sound).

    Which would be better? Always charge wav sound files?
  • petecpetec Member
    @yubaro I use wav files for any sfx that need to happen in sync with specific actions and mp3 for background music, speech etc and anything else where a slight time lag in the sound starting doesn't matter. It does mean that overall file sizes increase a lot (my latest effort has around 3Mb of sound files) but I've sort of got used to that happening :)
  • @petec, I appreciate your response...follow their advice for using wav files. Thank you all for your answers :)
  • Really really wish we could use ADPCM compression in WAV files. Makes them small but keep the benefits of wav. They are native to iOS I think? Must be Android again :/
    http://esem.name/sound ♫ sound and music at ShadyLabs (Clouds of Steel, Aftermath Alvin)
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