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Issue With GiderosMobile Downgrade! — Gideros Forum

Issue With GiderosMobile Downgrade!

ljp1203ljp1203 Member
edited April 2013 in General questions
Hello everyone,

I'm here to tell you that @atlim @gorkem will not refund me, and I believe it is for unreasonable reasons. As per April 10, 2013, I decided that I wanted to downgrade my account back to a regular one as I am moving to another SDK. I got an email saying this:

Dear Landon,

We have received your order and will be processing it shortly. The details of the order are below:

Order Number: 1522822327

Upgrade/Downgrade: Indie => Community
Billing Cycle:
Total Due Today: $-72.25 USD

You will receive an email from us shortly once your account has been setup. Please quote your order reference number if you wish to contact us about this order.

About 2 hours later I get an email stated:
Hi Landon,

Since we are migrating to new system, some settings (like downgrading) were remain enabled, which are now fixed. So we are upgrading your account back as a paid user until October 4th 2013.

Excuse us for any inconvenience it may have caused you and if you have any questions, please ask anytime.

My best,

Atilim Cetin

After reading this email, I was furious and proceeded to write this:


I have a very big issue with this. Your system may be migrating to a new system, but your web site still shows that you can downgrade your account. So what your web site is saying is that you can downgrade your account, but you say I can't and I can't get my money back as it said? This is not right and you should honor what your web site says. If I don't get a refund, I will take this up with both Visa and PayPal to get my refund as I believe I should be getting refunded.

As you can see, they decided not to give me a refund because of them upgrading to a "new system". I believe that if your website is going to show you can still refund your customers, you should honor that.

I still haven't gotten a response back from @atlim or @gorkem pertaining to this matter. And as a result I have posted this discussion to show the community members what GiderosMobile has done, and to get their attention. I'm sorry, but this is the only way to put it.

Lead Coder and Designer


  • talistalis Guru
    edited April 2013
    Hmmm, if you decided to downgrade your account at April 10 which is Wednesday, and written some emails and received till this time, i am guessing that you write your last email to them something like Friday (Correct me if i am mistaken:D ). As Saturday and Sunday are holiday they didn't respond you only for one day .

    Don't forget that Gideros team is not so much big. This has some disadvantages like lack of human resources and it can lengthen the support process but also has advantages like;
    -Community driven framework. (You can directly chat with the developer itself and CEO :) )
    -Ambitious team.
    -Ambitious community.
    -Everybody feeling that they belong to Gideros team and even sharing lots of their plugins, codes freely.
    This list can be extended easily, these are the ones just come to my mind now.

    Anyway this is just an observation from my point of view. Hope that this problem of yours will be solved.


    Note: I am just a simple member of the community don't take my words as official reply please :D
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Hello @ljp1203,
    You can blame me for this completely, because I was the one, who forgot to disable downgrading after installing and testing the system :)

    Actually, we did not even know if it was your request or not, because system is still under development and is not fully functional (may have glitches). Thus tried to fix it as fast as possible ;)

    Not knowing how the financial stuff really works in Gideros, but posting this kind of stuff on forum, because you did not receive the response or refund before weekend, is totally not cool, because this kind of stuff can not be done lightly, and at the very least need a consultancy with accountant or legal advice. It's not the money in the pocket, it's the money in the company and should be handled legally.

    But the main problem is not even that. I do not know the decision of your situation so I do not know how it will be handled. So do not take this in any offensive way, I mean only good and hope the issues will be resolved, but now you have put yourself and Gideros in a very bad situation.

    I assume your purchase was made long time ago. And you see, because of the terms you agreed when bought the Gideros License, that the money can only be refunded within 30 days of the purchases (and heck even paypal has a policy for refunds only within 60 days, if you want to take this matter to it).

    So let's now assume that Gideros would want to refund the money to you in this particular situation (even if it's not obliged to do this), Gideros would have done it silently and everyone would be happy.

    Now making it public, it's even harder for Gideros to return money, because for others, that would mean that Gideros can give refunds any time, and there may be future situations when somebody else could take this fact into their advantage.

    I'd say now you have basically tied the hand of company to provide a good gesture. And would recommend to remove this post, of course only if you want it to. ;)

  • @talis I sent the email out that day, a couple hours later.

    @ar2rsawseen I didn't post this because I didn't get my refund before the weekend. I posted it because I haven't gotten a response to my email in 3 days. @atlim sent the email 2 hours after the request was sent. So I believe he was able to answer it when he got it. Also, I do know the legal system with the money and the agreement, but I just believe that if you guys still are showing downgrading and being able to get a refund, it should be honored.

    I didn't want to give anyone any ideas, I was just posting on the behalf that Gideros wasn't honoring their own website.

    And to add a side note, my account wasn't upgraded back to a Pro version, but I would not like that as you can tell from post.

    Also, I just want to hear your response and then you can delete. I will post when I have read your response.

    Lead Coder and Designer
  • Don't remove it. It is interesting.

    Likes: talis

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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    As I said probably @atilim needed some legal consulting on this, and did not reply, because decision was not made. But be sure, you'll get the response, I will poke him until you do, but not during the weekend ;)

    P.S. I'm just really happy no one makes Gideros to move to the dummy address that the template had, when it was set up, just to honor the mention on website :)

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • @unlying :)

    @ar2rsawseen thanks

    Lead Coder and Designer
  • @ljp1203 : I cannot believe how petty you are being over not getting $72 refunded immediately.

    imho posting something like this on the support forum in such a short time was a pretty stupid thing to do.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Landon, a question: what would you do if you were wearing Atilim's shoes? Let me give you an example. You have a business and accidentally send every of your customer "I owe you $1000" by mistake. What would you do if your customers call you and ask you to pay this money because you should honor your statement?
  • You paid for a YEARLY subscription, for a GREAT sdk, and you are asking for a refund HALF A YEAR later, and are mad that you are not getting refunded IMMEDIATELY. Wow, just wow. I am a high school student who paid 200$ for Corona 6 months ago and am now happily moving to Gideros. You will not see me asking Corona Labs for a refund simply because I am moving to a different, better SDK(Gideros :)) even though I am a student with a very small income.
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  • I think it is ok to refund estimate period of subscription. Why not? Man will not use it. Why he should pay for nothing?
  • amaximovamaximov Member
    edited April 2013
    If you pay for an apple, and eat half of it is your local grocery obliged to give you a refund even though you are not going to "use" the rest of the apple? No. The Gideros team has a business to run and is not in their interest to give out refunds left and right. However, as a a good gesture they should occasionally provide refunds but coming out publicly like this and raging at the Gideros Team for not giving a refund is somewhat absurd. Just my 2 cents.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • I think the problem here is that Gideros apparently did offer the facility on the new website and it was something that was available when the original poster used it. That should be honoured in my opinion. I know I would in a similar position. This has happened, it seems, because the website has gone live well before it has been completed and tested which doesn't create a great impression. It's hardly been a clean transition, has it, which I don't quite understand.

    As for coming to the forums, this is part and parcel of having forums I'm afraid. How was the original poster not to know that this wasn't an absolutely normal facility on the website? And then, when they were told that it was a mistake, they thought they'd been hard done by. That's what happens with customers.
  • @amaximov, it isn't right compare. You can pay for hotel room for a week and after first day decide to leave it because you are not feeling good there. And hotel will refund you. May be not full cost, but they do.
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited April 2013
    Our old website stated that "we're offering a full refund within 30 days of purchase" and you've accepted these terms while buying the license. We're still migrating to our new website, there was a misconfiguration and we do not have a downgrading option. The license is yearly basis.

    Because of website misconfiguration and because the refund email was sent you as a mistake, we will refund you but this doesn't mean that we're changing our policy.

    Best regards,
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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited April 2013
    @unlying because you're paying the hotel room for daily basis. You cannot stay in a hotel for 1 hour and then claim to get 23 hours back.
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  • All's well that ends well.

    Let's get on with our projects.
    Kate's Catalogue of Travelling Theatre Centres :
    Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
    She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
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  • What makes the refund thing even more crazy is that it's an unlimited 'try before you buy' style system. Why did he not try it for six months then if it's not for him move on (without even buying a licence) ?

    Likes: WauloK

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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