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Installing APK and low FPS on Android — Gideros Forum

Installing APK and low FPS on Android

WauloKWauloK Member
edited April 2013 in General questions

As my other thread was about building my app, now I can build it but am having more issues.

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
App error photo Screenshot_2013-04-21-10-18-51_zps2356f0b3.png

Also, the app runs fast on my iPhone 5 and iPad Mini but on Android it's about 1 FPS if I install it using Eclipse.
It's very basic. It has a few images onscreen bouncing and rotating. Checks for collisions and plays music. That's about it. Nothing too taxing.

I downloaded Amazeballs free and it runs fast on my HTC Wildfire S.
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